Meet Archie Meowton
Meet Archie Meowton. He is the most precious little furball mommy has ever held in her hands. He loves tuna and an occasional share of boiled eggs. He stole mommy's muffin once but ended up with diarrhea.
He is a white fur Persian cat with the most beautiful hazel eyes. He hates having his eyes cleaned and absolutely hates showers. He complains the whole time and doesn't like anyone sleeping beside mommy on the bed. He has claimed the side of the bed. He sleeps most of his day away. He hates having guests at home and sleeps in the wardrobe until they leave. Wearing black clothes around him is a bad decision. You'll leave with white fur decorating your black article and you could live without that. And he's the perfect 'sleep-eat-play' kitty cat.
Or at least that's what they convince the world to be.
Once the house quietens and the dark takes over, mommy drools on her pillow and her adorable Archie turns into Agent AM.
Co-founder of Ask Morchie, a hotline that runs every night starting from 12 AM to 5AM gives him very less time to solve the problems of the world.
With his teammate/brother/co-founder Mojo Jojo, he caters to people's problems on Ask Morchie and uses his special gadget to solve these problems.
Under the identity of a hazel-eyed, blonde, handsome man named Morchie, the two of them find an adventure to go on every night, while solving extreme world problems, one after another.
He is a white fur Persian cat with the most beautiful hazel eyes. He hates having his eyes cleaned and absolutely hates showers. He complains the whole time and doesn't like anyone sleeping beside mommy on the bed. He has claimed the side of the bed. He sleeps most of his day away. He hates having guests at home and sleeps in the wardrobe until they leave. Wearing black clothes around him is a bad decision. You'll leave with white fur decorating your black article and you could live without that. And he's the perfect 'sleep-eat-play' kitty cat.
Or at least that's what they convince the world to be.
Once the house quietens and the dark takes over, mommy drools on her pillow and her adorable Archie turns into Agent AM.
Co-founder of Ask Morchie, a hotline that runs every night starting from 12 AM to 5AM gives him very less time to solve the problems of the world.
With his teammate/brother/co-founder Mojo Jojo, he caters to people's problems on Ask Morchie and uses his special gadget to solve these problems.
Under the identity of a hazel-eyed, blonde, handsome man named Morchie, the two of them find an adventure to go on every night, while solving extreme world problems, one after another.
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